Join The Waitlist

Aug 24-25, 2024
Awake new earth center
Uvita, Costa rica

an experiential learning initiative

the journey


the gift

we are the ones we've been waiting for

Interactive workshops, ceremonies, and strategic design processes to build the community humanity needs.

Feel the healing energy of music and dance.
Engage in meaningful dialogue with intelligent souls like yourself.
Share your authentic voice and reveal your gifts to the collective.

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Join The Waitlist

You are not alone. There is an awakening happening as we become aware of the need for something greater, and new  models to bring it forth. Something that will benefit not just ourselves, but humanity

Want to connect with people who are driving  strategies and initiatives for collaboration and creative problem-solving for social impact?

The Journey is a totally unique convergence of community, education, and creative expression

Guiding you through a living mythology, The Journey is a participatory experience where you embody the evolutionary edge of the future as though it is happening now. 

What to Expect: 

  • New relationships, ideas and connections to further your passion and projects

  • Breakthrough your limiting beliefs and harness your inherent capabilities

  • Develop relational and collective intelligence to enhance collaboration and community gift-sharing

Whether it is climate change, inequality, migration, food security or mental health, there are numerous issues facing humanity today. 

More and more, people like yourself are looking for ways to help solve these problems and prepare themselves for the major changes ahead. We can’t wait for a government to step in and provide the necessary support or solutions. 

The Journey is an experience designed to provide you with trust and clarity to do what inspires you most to help humanity. We believe that a society of individuals who are connected to the source of their gift is what will produce the world our hearts know is possible. .

From this we discover our calling.
Our Gift to the world.

Preparing for a complex and uncertain future

A Cultural Awakening

"The future Buddha may not come in the form of an individual, but in the form of a community practicing loving kindness and mindful living" - Thich Nath Hanh. 

This is a vision from an enlightened master of awakening communities, but how do we get there?

This is what we will explore in The Journey. 

Together, we will co-create an experience of community that values deep inquiry, human connection and reverence for the rhythms of nature.  

“We who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war”.  - Martin Luther King Jr.

Creating Purpose and Strategy

How do me and we proceed?

"The real problem of humanity is the following: we have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and god-like technology."  - E.O Wilson

Understanding Context and Sense-making

What are we up against?

“The future buddha may come in the form of a community. A community practicing loving-kindness and mindful living” -Thich Nath Hanh

Developing Relational and Collective Intelligence

Who are we? 

“A human being is a part of the whole called by us the universe, a part limited in time and space…a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. ” -Albert Einstein

Exploring Identity and Values

Who Am I? 

"Try to love the questions the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer." - Rilke

The Journey is designed to help you discover yourself, your fellow humans and a shared passion for a better world through inquiry-based learning.

The  Four Inquiries 

The Journey is guided by the principles of reciprocity, self-awareness and service.

By embracing these principles, we challenge the story of separation, fostering a sense of unity and shared responsibility as we truly see how everything is interdependent

our guiding framework

reciprocity | self-awareness | service

Through narrative work and strategic design processes, participants acquire the knowledge and capabilities ask big questions and explore big problems.

We co-create a supportive environment to discover that everything we need is right here, right now.

Service & Self-Discovery

It's all about relationships -  between ourselves, the land and each other.

The Journey develops the wisdom and interpersonal skills to allow community to be a mirror as we collectively address real-world problems in with keen sense-making and "village-mindedness".

Expanding Impact & Building Community

The Journey provides a learning environment that stimulates the state of flow - the optimal human state.

Through novelty, unpredictability, connection, complexity, and awe, we foster flow. This enhances human curiosity, passion, and purpose. 

Learning & Transformation  

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Each day begins at 7:00 am with morning practice (optional), sessions start at 9am,  and day ends around 9:30 pm unless otherwise noted.

Join The Waitlist

You are invited to Awake, Uvita, Costa Rica, for The Journey. As we develop programming around consciousness, creativity,  and education in this land-based community, your participation helps to shape what Awake becomes.

Embrace The Journey.
Embrace The Gift.

Join us in supporting the growth of Awake —a center devoted to embodying the seed of a new earth. 

The Power of Awake

aug 24-25, 2024 in Uvita, Costa Rica

Join The Waitlist

Yes, it’s important to that you attend all the sessions. This is a carefully curated experience to ensure that you have the true impact of what is being offered. 

Join The Waitlist

Yes, all your food is included. There will be drinks and snacks available to purchase onsite as well

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Join The Waitlist

Yes, the official accommodations for The Journey are at Awake. Visit this Accommodations page (here) to learn more. If Awake is fully booked, there are numerous options nearby to stay. 

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Join The Waitlist

The Gift is a realization that life is a gift, and what we give is our gift back to life.

In a world where all domains of life have been de-sacralized, The Gift is a vehicle to support the restoration of spiritually rooted culture that is non-dogmatic and eminently pragmatic.

#NewEarth #VibrationalFrequency

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The Journey is an invitation to explore the knowledge, practices and cultural processes needed to sense-make and solve the problems of our generation in a sacred way with celebration.

Through new ways of communion in shared inquiry and celebration, participants experience what it feels like to embody the principles of reciprocity, self-awareness and service.

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The Journey is an experience designed to stimulate deep inquiry, cultivate authentic presence and harness collective intelligence to provide you with trust and clarity to do what inspires you most to help humanity.

Participants will have a safe space to explore themselves through experiential art, guided meditation, interactive workshops and social connections with like-minded individuals from around the world. 

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Five Reasons to Join
The  Journey 

It's a vision.

The Gift is more than a Journey, it's a cultural vision.

Imagine a culture where giving and receiving naturally flow among all members, fostering the creative process and leading to a sense of fulfillment where life becomes a gift.


The human symphony.

We're creating an experience where every participant gets to ‘be their note’, so that together we form a human symphony. The combination of educators, facilitators and artists weave to create an exquisite balance of structure in improvisation - the creative edge where magic happens.


You'll hear nature speak.

The Journey is happening in the verdant ecosystem of Costa Rica. Steps from the Rio Verde river surrounded by birdsong, fruit trees, flowering plant, herb gardens, and minutes from the ocean, you'll be immersed in nature.


Living conversations

The keyword at the Journey is “experience”. You can find talking heads on YouTube, at the Journey we are about living conversations that translate ideas into things we can touch, feel, and see. Visualize a Jedi training ground where multiple intelligences are activated to tap into the field of human potential.


Creativity, service + self-development.

Yes you can marry all three.
Humans can fire on all cylinders when creativity, service, and self-development are integrated into the ways we gather. You'll be in the company of people that inspire you to be all you can be, and leave with ideas, connections, and personal insights that support you to be the change you wish to see in the world.


Have questions? Want to join the waitlist?
We’d love to hear from you.

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